Aluminium Window Shrouds
Spectrum have standard designs & details for Aluminium Facade Systems and Window Shrouds.
Spectrum have developed an aesthetically pleasing system for Facade system and window shroud installation. A range of fixing details have been developed to be used with all common cladding types. The aluminium facades, which are available in a range of sizes connect to the fixing brackets with a discrete bracket connection detail.
- Range of aluminium extrusion sizes available. Typical sizes are: 150x40, 150x50, 200x50, 250x50 & 300x50mm
- Fixing is direct onto the structure or over cladding
- Stainless steel fixings
- Hidden support bracket incorporated in design
- Durability Statement Spectrum (150 kb)
- Maintenance Procedures Spectrum (159 kb)
- Warranty Spectrum (113 kb)